4J Energy |
Shipper |
http://www.4JEnergy.com |
AccuTRANS, Inc. |
Special Services |
www.accutransinc.com |
Alabama State Port Authority |
Ports, Terminals, Port Authorities |
www.asdd.com |
American Commercial Barge Line LLC |
Barge Line |
www.aclines.com |
Shipyard |
www.arcosa.com |
Ardurra |
Professionals |
www.ardurra.com |
Ascend Performance Materials |
Shipper |
www.ascendmaterials.com |
Bechtel Global Logistics |
Special Services |
www.bechtel.com |
Blessey Marine Services, Inc. |
Barge Line |
www.blessey.com |
BP Shipping |
Shipper |
www.BP.com |
Broussard Brothers, Inc. |
Towboat Operators |
www.broussardbrothers.com |
Brown Water Marine Service, Inc. |
Towboat Operators |
www.brownwatermarine.com |
Buffalo Marine Service, Inc. |
Barge Line |
www.buffalomarine.com |
Businelle Towing Corporation |
Towboat Operators |
C & J Marine Services, Inc. |
Towboat Operators |
www.candjmarineservices.com |
Calhoun Port Authority |
Ports, Terminals, Port Authorities |
www.calhounport.com |
Callais & Sons, LLC |
Towboat Operators |
Cameron Parish Port, Harbor & Terminal District |
Ports, Terminals, Port Authorities |
www.cameronparishport.com |
Campbell Transportation |
Barge Line |
www.barges.us |
Canal Barge Company, Inc. |
Barge Line |
www.canalbarge.com |
Carline Management Company |
Barge Line |
www.carlinecompanies.com |
Cedar Bayou Nav. Dist. |
Ports, Terminals, Port Authorities |
Cenac Marine Services, LLC |
Towboat Operators |
www.cenac.com |
Center for Toxicology & Environmental Health, LLC |
Contractor |
www.cteh.com |
Central Boat Rentals, Inc. |
Towboat Operator |
www.centralboat.com |
Ceres Consulting, LLC |
Professional |
www.ceresbarge.com |
Chambers-Liberty Counties Nav. Dist. |
Ports, Terminals, Port Authorities |
www.clcnd.org |
Channel Shipyard Co. |
Shipyard |
www.channelshipyard.net |
Chem Carriers, Inc. |
Shipper |
www.chemcarriers.com |
Chevron Shipping |
Shipper |
www.chevron.com |
CITGO Petroleum Corporation |
Shipper |
www.citgo.com |
Coating Systems & Supply Co. |
Deck Supplies |
www.coatingsystemsandsupply.com |
Conrad Industries, Inc. |
Shipyard |
www.conradindustries.com |
Continental Cement Company, LLC |
Shipper |
www.continentalcement.com |
Cooper Marine & Timberlands Corp. |
Shipper |
www.coopertsmith.com |
Crosby Tugs, L.L.C. |
Towboat Operator |
www.crosbytugs.com |
D & S Marine Service LLC |
Towboat Operator |
www.d-smarine.com |
Dale’s Welding & Fabricators, LLC |
Machine Shop |
www.dalesweldingandfabricators.com |
Delek US |
Shipper |
www.delekus.com |
Deutsch, Kerrigan & Stiles, LLP |
Professional |
www.deutschkerrigan.com |
Contractor |
www.dls-energy.com |
Dupre Marine Transportation |
Towboat Operator |
www.dupremarine.com |
Duvic’s, Inc. |
Electronic Supplier |
E3 Environmental |
Special Services |
e3response.com |
Eco Services |
Shipper |
Encore Dredging Partners |
Contractor |
www.encoredredgingpartners.com |
Enterprise Marine Services, LLC |
Barge Line |
www.enterpriseproducts.com |
Five-S Group |
Special Services |
www.fsgrp.com |
Florida Marine Transporters, Inc. |
Barge Line |
www.floridamarine.com |
Forefront Emergency Management/ES&H |
Special Services |
www.ehs.com |
Formosa Plastics Corp. |
Shipper |
www.fpcausa.com |
Gates Fuel Services, LLC |
Special Services |
www.gatesfuelservices.com |
Genesis Marine |
Barge Line |
www.genesisenergy.com |
Golding Barge Line, Inc. |
Barge Line |
www.goldingbarge.com |
Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co. |
Contractor |
www.gldd.com |
Greater Krotz Springs Port |
Ports, Terminals, Port Authorities |
portofkrotzsprings.com |
Griffin Barge Line |
Barge Line |
Harbor Towing & Fleeting, Inc. |
Fleeter |
harbortowingllc.com |
Helm |
Special Services |
www.helmus.com |
Holman Fenwick Willan USA LLP |
Professional |
www.hfw.com |
Houston Pilots Association |
Professional |
www.houston-pilots.com |
Ingram Barge Company/Custom Fuel |
Barge Line |
www.ingrambarge.com |
Intracoastal Tug & Barge Co, |
Towboat Operator |
www.intratug.com |
J&S Contractors |
Contractor |
www.jscontractorsinc.com |
John Bludworth Shipyard, LLC |
Shipyards |
www.jbludshipyard.com |
John W. Stone Oil Distributor, LLC |
Special Services |
www.stoneoil.com |
Jones Walker LLP |
Special Services |
www.joneswalker.com |
Kirby Corporation |
Barge Line |
www.kirbycorp.com |
L & R Midland, Inc. |
Professional |
www.lrmidland.com |
L&O Marine |
Special Services |
lomarine.com |
LA Carriers, L.L.C. |
Towboat Operators |
www.lacarriers.net |
State Agency |
www.dotd.louisiana.gov |
Laborde Products, Inc. |
Electronic Suppliers |
www.labordeproducts.com |
LafargeHolcim |
Shipper |
www.holcim.us |
Lake Charles Pilots |
Professional |
www.lakecharlespilots.com |
LeBeouf Bros. Towing LLC. |
Barge Line |
www.lebeouftowing.com |
Louisiana Machinery Company, L.L.C. |
Electronic Suppliers |
www.louisianamachinery.com |
Lydia Ann Channel Fleet |
Fleeter |
www.lacfleet.com |
Lyondell Chemical Company |
Shipper |
www.lyondellbasell.com |
M. & P. Barge Company, Inc. |
Barge Line |
M.B. Barge Company |
Special Services |
www.mbbrokerage.net |
M/G Transport Services, Inc. |
Barge Line |
www.mg-transport.com |
Magnolia Fleet, LLC |
Fleeter |
www.magnoliafleet.com |
Magnolia Marine Transport Co (Ergon) |
Barge Line |
www.magnoliamarine.com |
Marathon Petroleum Company LP |
Towboat Operator |
www.marathonpetroleum.com |
Marine Fueling Service, Inc. |
Fleeter |
marinefuelingservice.com |
Maritime Partners, LLC |
Special Services |
www.maritimepartnersllc.com |
Marquette Transportation Company Gulf-Inland, LLC |
Towboat Operator |
www.marquettetrans.com |
Martin Midstream Partners |
Barge Line |
www.martinmidstream.com |
McDonough Marine Service |
Barge Line |
www.mcdonoughmarine.com |
McKinney Marine, Inc. |
Towboat Operator |
www.mckinneysalvage.com |
McNational, Inc. / Excell |
Towboat Operator |
www.mcnational.com |
Mike Hooks, LLC |
Contractor |
www.mikehooks.com |
Mississippi Marine Corporation |
Shipyard |
www.msmarine.net |
Morgan City Harbor and Terminal District |
Ports, Terminals, Port Authorities |
www.portofmc.com |
Muddy Water Dredging, L.P |
Contracror |
www.mwdredging.com |
Oil Recovery Co., Inc. |
Contractor |
www.oilrecoveryco.com |
Orion Marine Group |
Contractor |
www.orionmarinegroup.cm |
Parker Towing Company Inc. |
Towboat Operator |
www.parkertowing.com |
Patriot Construction |
Special Services |
www.patriot-construction.com |
Phillips 66 |
Shipper |
www.phillips66.com |
Pine Bluff Sand & Gravel Co. |
Barge Line |
www.pbsgc.com |
Port Isabel-San Benito Nav. Dist. |
Ports, Terminals, Port Authorities |
www.portofportisabel.ccom |
Port of Bay City Authority |
Ports, Terminals, Port Authorities |
www.portofbaycity.com |
Port of Corpus Christi |
Ports, Terminals, Port Authorities |
www.portofcorpuschristi.com |
Port of Harlingen |
Ports, Terminals, Port Authorities |
www.portofharlingen.com |
Port of Houston Authority |
Ports, Terminals, Port Authorities |
www.portofhouston.com |
Port of New Orleans |
Ports, Terminals, Port Authorities |
www.portno.com |
Port of Palacios/Matagorda Co Nav Dist No 1 |
Ports, Terminals, Port Authorities |
www.portofpalacios.com |
Port of South Louisiana |
Ports, Terminals, Port Authorities |
www.portsl.com |
Port of Texas City |
Ports, Terminals, Port Authorities |
www.tctrr.com |
Port of Victoria |
Ports, Terminals, Port Authorities |
www.portofvictoria.com |
Port of West St. Mary |
Ports, Terminals, Port Authorities |
www.portofwsm.com |
R & S Marine, LLC |
Towboat Operator |
River City Towing Services Inc. |
Barge Line |
www.rctbarges.com |
Savage Inland Marine, LLC |
Towboat Operator |
www.savageservices.com |
SCF Liquids |
Towboat Operator |
www.scfliquids.com |
Sea of Gravity, LLC |
Special Services |
www.seaofgravity.com |
SeaRiver Maritime, Inc. |
Shipper |
www.exxonmobil.com |
Sewart Supply Inc. |
Special Services |
www.sewartsupply.com |
Shell Trading US Co. |
Shipper |
www.shell.us |
Signet Maritime Corporation |
Special Services |
www.signetmaritime.com |
Southern Fleet & Logistics Group, LLC |
Fleeter |
www.sflgroup.net |
Southern Recycling / EMR |
Contractor |
www.usa.emrgroup.com |
Southern Devall, LLC |
Towboat Operator |
www.southerndevall.com |
Southwest Ocean Services, Inc. |
Deck Supplies |
www.swos.net |
Specialized Marine Services LLC |
Shipyard |
www.sservicesinc.com |
St. Bernard Port, Harbor & Terminal |
Ports, Terminals, Port Authorities |
www.stbernardport.com |
Strategic Towing Services, LLC |
Towboat Operator |
Superior Bay Marine of Alabama |
Towboat Operator |
T&T Marine Salvage, Inc. |
Towboat Operator |
www.tandtmarine.com |
T.T. Barge Services |
Shipyards |
www.ttbarge.com |
Targa Midstream Services LP |
Shipper |
www.targaresources.com |
Team Services, LLC. |
Special Services |
www.teamservicesllc.net |
Ten Mile Exchange, LLC |
Contractor |
www.tenmileexchange.com |
Terral River Service, Inc. |
Barge Line |
www.terralriverservice.com |
Texas Department of Transportation |
State Agency |
www.txdot.gov |
Texas Transportation Institute |
State Agency |
www.tti.tamu.edu |
The Dow Chemical Company |
Shipper |
www.dow.com |
The Hiller Companies, Inc. |
Special Services |
hillercompanies.com |
The Moeller Firm |
Special Services |
www.moellerfirm.com |
TIMCO Industries, Inc. |
Deck Supplies |
www.timcomarine.com |
TPC Group, LLC |
Special Services |
www.tpcgrp.com |
Tri Rivers Waterways Development Association |
Ports, Terminals, Port Authorities |
Turn Services LLC |
Fleeter |
www.turnservices.com |
Valero |
Shipper |
www.valero.com |
Vulcan Materials Company |
Shipper |
www.vulcanmaterials.com |
W/S Calhoun Co Nav – Port of W Calhoun |
Ports, Terminals, Port Authorities |
www.portofwestcalhoun.com |
Warren Paving/Slats Lucas Aggregates, LLC |
Shipper |
www.warrenpaving.com |
West Calcasieu Port |
Ports, Terminals, Port Authorities |
www.westcalport.com |
Willacy County Navigation District |
Ports, Terminals, Port Authorities |
www.co.willacy.tx.us |
Wood Towing, Inc. |
Towboat Operator |
www.woodresources.com |
Yazoo River Towing, Inc. |
Towboat Operator |
www.yazoorivertowing.com |